Water. . .
The Earth’s most precious resource.
Without it, life as we know it cannot exist.
More than 70% of the Earth’s surface is made up of water, yet over 97% of this water contains salt and thus unusable to humans. Of the freshwater upon the planet, 90% is tied up in ice at the bottom of the world in Antarctica. Thus less than .6% of all water on this planet is freshwater available to us for uses such as drinking, showering and of course irrigation. In the United States, about 30% of all water is used for irrigation1.
So while water is the most important resource for life as we know it, it is increasingly coming under pressure from excessive demand, pollution, and waste.
Here at Complete Irrigation Services, wasted water is something we do not take lightly.
From the beginning, Complete Irrigation Services has specified the proper backflow prevention equipment to protect your homes and the public water supply. We have always designed according to industry standards to ensure even, efficient watering. We have installed rain sensors for water conservation. We have chosen product that delivers water evenly and miserly. We did this while providing your lawn and landscape the nourishment it needed for healthy and luscious plants.
You could say, we were GREEN long before it became fashionable to be so!
If you are looking for a new irrigation system, let us provide you with a comprehensive design. By understanding your watering desires with the needs of your property, we can suggest product that will not only provide a lush green lawn, but that will work to save water and actually reduce your watering bill over previous years2.
If you already have a system, let us review your system with our thorough Irrigation Audit. This audit will uncover any improvements that might need to be made to your existing system to improve coverage in those trouble spots. Additionally, we can show you ways to reduce water use through run time changes or other efficiencies available.
Thank you for choosing to visit our website. Please browse our pages and feel free to call us for more free advice, consultation, and assistance for your irrigation needs. Whether you are looking for a new irrigation system or service on your existing, Complete Irrigation Services is your one stop for all your irrigation needs.
Stanley Glick
RIMI Lic. #166
1. Statistics from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water#cite_note-Water_Use_in_the_United_States-28
2. This assumes you have watered your lawn on a regular basis in previous years.